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Extra Virgin Olive Oil, “the Italian gold”
Extra Virgin Olive Oil, “the Italian gold”

The main product of the Italian cuisine is the Extra Virgin Olive Oil. In the countryside many families own a olive grove, more or less large, but always enough to produce "the oil for the family" and also to sell it. In 2014 we felt like the Roman soldiers who were...

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Ferragosto, the Italian mid-summer holiday
Ferragosto, the Italian mid-summer holiday

Ferragosto is a public holiday celebrated on 15 August in Italy, in the Ticino area in Switzerland and San Marino. It coincides with the major Catholic feast of the Assumption of Mary. The day of mid-August is traditionally dedicated to outdoor trips with handsome...

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The castle of Sarteano
The castle of Sarteano

From 573 mt. above the sea level, this impressive fortress has been dominating on the centre of Sarteano for eleven centuries, during which it resisted to the many and famous sieges - among them the great offensive of Cesare Borgia, called the Valentino. The fortress...

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Pici, Umbrian and Tuscan traditional pasta
Pici, Umbrian and Tuscan traditional pasta

In our zone, on the border between Umbria and Tuscany, this homemade pasta is called "pici", while in other places it is known as "umbricelli" or "pinci”. Once the pici were made without eggs, so they were considered as the poor men's pasta. The pici’s form is...

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Orvieto Underground
Orvieto Underground

Orvieto is one of the most beautiful cities of Umbria that we suggest you to visit during your stay in our countryhouse. One of the things that makes Orvieto unique is a series of underground caves hidden in the rock below the town. The geological formation of the...

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The fish of Lake Trasimeno
The fish of Lake Trasimeno

The special characteristics of the Lake Trasimeno make it an ideal habitat for several species of varying qualities. Years ago fishing was one of the mainstays of the local economy, and still today many fisherman go out every day for their daily fishing. Nowadays they...

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