by administrator | Feb 22, 2023 | Senza categoria
La pianta che dà sollievo ai nostri sensi, che colora le nostre pietanze e ci vizia col suo profumo ed il suo sapore: lo Zafferano. Originario dell’Asia Minore, fu usato fin dall’antichità come tintura, cura farmacologica, cosmetico e nella gastronomia. Le...
by markus | Feb 7, 2023 | Useful information
We are more than happy to announce the launch of our newly designed website. With a mission to make the brand new website more personalized, faster, easier to navigate, and more user-friendly. We have created a clean, modern design and improved site navigation to...
by markus | Dec 20, 2022 | Cooking and typical food, Festivity
One of the Italian Christmas cakes is the panettone that “rises and grows”. It is the evolved and industrial form of the many types of sweet bread that Italian regions used to produce at home and give to loved ones in the coldest and hottest holiday of the...
by markus | Dec 15, 2022 | Art and culture, Festivity, Surroundings
Gubbio and Christmas have had a common bond since 1981, when on the slopes of Ingino Mount the inhabitants of Gubbio (called “Eugubini”) had decided to “build”, in honor of the local Patron Saint Ubaldo, a Christmas Tree. The Tree is over 650-meters high, with more...
by markus | Dec 10, 2022 | Cooking and typical food, Festivity
This is a cake made with almonds, which is spiral- shaped and resembles a coiled up snake.The ingredients (except for the pine nuts) are mixed by hand in a bowl until a soft, smooth dough is obtained and it is then kneaded by hand and shaped to look like a coiled up...